Microfinance - Glenhill Consulting Limited provides consulting services to the Asian Development Bank, AusAID, IFC/World Bank, NZODA, UNDP, USAID, individual banks and companies primarily in the South East Asia / Pacific Region


WOSED Women's Microfinance Scheme, Fiji

Assessed WOSED’s financial position as unsustainable. Recommended that the program focus on its real success in the development and empowerment of women, as an educational program, with microfinance as an enabling catalyst rather than the main objective.

WOSED Women's Microfinance Scheme, Fiji
WOSED Management Team Suva

To assess the sustainability of WOSED and to develop strategies to establish it as a separate entity


  • Reviewed the operations of WOSED through visits to numerous client groups throughout both Vanua Levu and Viti Levu and the island of Ovalau.
  • Developed a financial model to assess on going financial sustainability and requirements.
  • Assessed that WOSED’s financial position was unsustainable, and recommended that the program focus on its success in the development and empowerment of women, as an educational program, with microfinance as an enabling catalyst rather than the main objective.
  • A second assignment the following year developed a strategic plan for WOSED to enable it to seek greater government recognition and support.

WOSED Women's Microfinance Scheme, Fiji
WOSED Dried Sea Cucumber Business

Village Bank Program, Kiribati

Over 180 villages throughout the islands of Kiribati had Village Banks, funded by Government and managed by the village communities, to provide small microloans to villagers for a range of purposes, both commercial and personal.

Village Bank Program, Kiribati
Village Bank Committee Meeting

To review the program for UNDP, to assess its level of success and ongoing requirements.


  • Field visits to three outer islands were conducted to assess the operations and soundness of 23 village banks.
  • Conducted workshops on each island with Village Bank officials.
  • Developed a series of recommendations for improved operational practices and areas of assistance for inclusion in a future UNDP program.

Value Chain Projects, Philippines, Lao PDR, Indonesia & Cambodia

All value chain projects have included an Access to Finance component which has involved research into the need for and availability of microfinance to actors at the producer and early processor level of the respective value chain - Read more >>>

Centre for Banking Studies, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Jock Struthers was engaged by the Asian Development Bank to Review the curriculum for the National Bank of Cambodia training school and to develop new microfinance training courses. Read more >>>