Development Bank of Papua New Guinea
Funded by the World Bank, Jock Struthers was engaged as a consultant to the Rural Lending Division of the Papua New Guinea Development Bank on secondment from the Rural Bank of New Zealand.
With Rural Loan Appraiser Trainees - Goroka
The position arose following a World Bank review and concerns raised over the management of field operations where a World Bank funding line was being used to develop Coffee in the Highlands.
Sweat Equity - Coffee Development
- Review of the Development Bank's rural lending operations.
- Development of new rural lending and field appraisal procedures.
- Development of a field appraisal team, recruiting and training over twenty agricultural graduates.
- Implementing controls on the Coffee Lending programme in the Highlands.
- Extension of the program under NZODA for three years, and the supervision of four seconded Rural Bank staff in PNG.
- Hosting and training five PNGDB staff in New Zealand.
Bank Farmer Client Group Meeting